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Course curriculum

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  • 1

    Free Access: About this Course

    • About This Course

  • 2

    Free Access: What is Social Enterprise?

    • Module 1 Video: Intro to Social Entreprenuership

    • Module 2 Video: For-Proft vs. Non-Profit Models vs. Social Enterprise. What's the difference?

    • Module 3: Why Social Enterprises Work

    • Module 4: Review & Next Steps

    • Additional Reading & Talks

    • Discussion Question: What stuck out or surprised you about the similarities and differences of non-profit and for-profit organizations?

    • Discussion Question: What do you think makes someone especially well suited to be a social entrepreneur?

  • 3

    Chapter 2: Using the Sustainable Development Goals

    • Module 1: Introduction to the Sustainable Development Goals

    • Module 2: How the SDGs Help Social Entreprenuers

    • Module 3: Navigating The Sustainable Development Goals

    • What do you consider 'Good Impact?' What organizations have you seen creating this type of impact in the world?

    • Chapter 3 Activity

    • Additional Reading & Talks

    • Discussion Question: Which SDG is right for you?

  • 4

    Chapter 3: Beginning with the Business Model Canvas

    • Downloadable BMC Template

    • Module 1: Identifying Revenue Sources

    • Module 2: Considering Expenses

    • Module 3: Increasing the Elements of Value

    • Additional Resources

    • Discussion Question: Where do you see the traditional Business Model Canvas Falling short?

  • 5

    Chapter 4: Building Your Social Business Model Canvas

    • Downloadable Social Business Model Canvas from Tandemic

    • Module 1: Overview of the Social Business Model Canvas

    • Module 2: Beginning With Impact/ Intervention

    • Module 3: Generating Revenue

    • Module 4: Understanding Expenses

    • Module 5: Measuring Impact

    • Discussion Question: Using the Social Business Model Canvas

  • 6

    Chapter 5: Resources for Common Challenges

    • Downloadable ProForma

    • Module 1: Making the Financials Work

    • Module 2: Principles of Innovation

    • Module 3: Avoiding Unintended Consequences

    • Discussion Question: What Resources Have Benefitted You?

  • 7

    Chapter 6: Bringing Your Canvas to Life

    • Module 1: What's Next?

    • Module 2: Market Validation

    • Module 3: Finding Seed Funds

    • Module 4: Understanding Impact Investors

    • Discussion Question: Market Validation

  • 8

    Chapter 7: Thank You & Next Steps

    • Thank You and Next Steps

Bonus Material

Act Quickly, and You'll Also Receive:

  • VIP Access to Quarterly Chats

    VIP Access to a quarterly group chat session with like-minded Social Entrepreneurs

  • A FREE Coaching Session

    Get your questions answered, a review of your BMC, or jump start your plan with a free 30 minute coaching session with Dora.

  • Bonus material

    Build your community and get ongoing support with one full year's access to the discuss/ community forum.



Dr. Katherine Clayton

“Getting my foot in the door of social entrepreneurship seemed like an impossible task. I didn’t know anyone deep enough in the space. Dora’s mentorship taught me about new opportunities and sped up the process of the field that I could not get from any of the other approaches I was taking.”


Derrin Slack

"I am fortunate to have worked with Dora on several projects to inform our innovative approach to Corporate Social Responsibility and community engagement. Her business savvy is complemented by her creative acumen, worldliness, and mastery of storytelling."

Participant Review


"This is the single best course I have taken during my time at Purdue. Dora is accessible, knowledgeable and always prepared with new and exciting materials and examples. This course has changed my career path and inspired me to take on challenges myself and hold myself and others to high standards of social responsibility."

Participant Review


"Dora is for real the GOAT, she clearly cares a lot about not only the course information but also the students that she's talking to. Her class was the only one that I was consistently excited to go to and I felt like I learned real world skills."

Participant Review


"Dora has a great attitude about the class and genuinely cares that her students learn the material. She is great at creating an engaging learning environment and being passionate about the topics."

Program Participant


"Making use of connections was a wonderful bonus, and even makes the class interesting. I also liked Dora's real-life application of the material."

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Founder, GivingSpring

Dora Lutz

Dora Lutz is the author of The Aspirational Business, owner of GivingSpring, and creator of the course Business Planning for Social Entrepreneurs at Purdue University. From her earliest days managing truck drivers through the creation of her second business, Dora has devoted her career to understanding the unique ways businesses can make a positive impact on society- and helping leaders accomplish their biggest goals. Dora has worked with small businesses, Fortune 100 companies, non-profits, and even the United Nations' IMPACT 2030 program to leverage business models that create sustainable revenue sources and incredible social impact. Dora is uniquely qualified to speak to corporate teams, association members and small businesses alike; any group that is looking for ways to educate, inspire and entertain while finding opportunities to make the world a better place: and drive profit.